On Thursday, March 29th, Kentucky legislature passed Senate Bill 151 which included an amendment to reform Kentucky’s pension system. The changes to the Kentucky Teachers’ Retirement System pension have not fully been revealed at this point but based on details in the recent reform proposal (SB1) and other known details of the new legislation (SB151), we can start to piece together how this will affect teachers’ retirement benefits.

Let’s address the real questions that everyone’s asking, “What does it all mean? And, how does it affect me?”

Before we dive too far into my interpretation of the changes, it’s important to note three things:

  1. the changes have been officially voted on and passed by the Kentucky House and Senate…but due to its hasty adoption and lack of actuarial analysis, it may face additional legal hurdles before permanent adoption
  2. while the major points of the plan have been released, there are still minor details yet to be revealed that could change or require adjustments to my interpretation, and
  3. this is only one person’s interpretation of the changes and its effects.

Please approach the rest of my words with a healthy amount of skepticism knowing that the interpretation may need revision as the full details of the plan are made available.

Now, with that C.Y.A. clause out of the way, let’s get down to it.

“What Does It All Mean?”

Here are the key changes (or non-changes as compared to previous reform bills) that you need to know:

  • NO changes for current retirees’ benefits
  • NO change to the Cost-of-Living Adjustments (COLAs) for current or future retirees (remains at 1.5% annually)
  • NO changes to the full retirement eligibility (i.e. 27 years of service or age 60), benefit factors used for pension calculations, or calculation of final average salary (i.e. High 3 or High 5) for current teachers
  • On 12/31/18, the amount of unused sick leave used to calculate pension benefits will be capped at each individual’s accrued amount on that date
    • Does not change the school district’s decision to pay a lump sum at retirement for unused sick leave, but rather, only what may be used to enhance pension calculations/benefits
  • For current teachers retiring after 1/1/19 and becoming reemployed with a school district, no second retirement account in the Teachers’ Retirement System will be permitted if receiving a pension benefit
  • BIGGEST CHANGE…NEW teachers starting on or after 1/1/19 will be placed in a hybrid cash balance plan (hybrid 401k/pension), instead of the traditional pension

“How Does It Affect Me?”

If you’re not sure how these changes apply to you, don’t worry. It has taken me several hours of reading and discussing with colleagues and friends to get to a point where I feel comfortable with my interpretation of the change and its impact. With that said, here’s how I think current and new teachers will be impacted:

Years of Service (as of 1/1/19)6 or More Years5 or Less YearsNew Teachers


Hybrid Cash Balance Retirement Plan

May “Opt-in” & rollover current accumulated contributions

Required from the first day of employment

Retirement Eligibility


(27 years of service, or 60 years old with 5+ years of service)


(27 years of service, or 60 years old with 5+ years of service)

Rule of 87 (Age + Years of Service), or 65 years old with 5+ years of service

Final Average Salary for Pension Benefit Calculation


(High 3 or High 5; based on age & years of service)


(High 3 or High 5; based on age & years of service)

Not Applicable

Unused Sick Pay Bump for Pension Benefit Calculation

Yes, but sick days are capped as of 12/31/18Yes, but sick days are capped as of 12/31/18

Cost-of-Living Adjustment in Retirement


(1.5% Annually)


(1.5% Annually)

KTRS-Provided Life Insurance Benefit


$2,000 when working; $5,000 when retired


$2,000 when working; $5,000 when retired

Employee Retirement Contribution Rate (excl. health care)


(9.105% of pay)


(9.105% of pay)

9.105% of pay

Employer Retirement Contribution Rate (excl. health care)UNCHANGED

(12.355% of pay)


(12.355% of pay)

8% of pay

Inviolable Contract

Yes, but limited to the accumulated account balance in the cash balance plan (i.e. previously earned benefits are protected but changes may be made to future benefits)

(*Previously linked calculator has been disabled)

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